Ten Stories: Introducing Ross Gordon

Ten stories to represent a decade of Building Heroes

After three years of service, Ross Gordon left the army after deciding it wasn't the right career path for him. Ross gained some valuable skills throughout his time in the military and notably proudly contributed to assisting with the construction of the Nightingale Hospital in Marylebone, London.

When Ross decided to leave the army, he gained some information from the resettlement team, and they signposted him to Building Heroes. With this in mind, he decided to embark on a course with us to gain experience in practical skills and information on the types of pathways within the sector.

Ross was one of the first cohorts to participate in the Watford Academy. He said: "The course content enabled me to practice different skills and work out what areas I liked/didn’t. It pushed me in the right direction. I couldn’t have asked for a better tutor and felt fully supported throughout the duration of the course."

During our conversation with Ross, he expressed that he enjoyed the diverse course content and the additional extended projects he engaged in. Throughout the course, Ross and his peers visited on-site construction sites, gaining valuable insights into the various trades they were studying.

At the end of the course, Ross embarked on a contract with our partner, Regal London, to gain further insight into the sector. He said: "I am interested in some future courses with the college and progressing with Regal London in becoming a trainee site manager."

We would love to be able to support you in your transition from military to civilian life like we supported Ross. Get in touch!

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